Title: OLoS: Online Open Source Music
Synopsis: A modular web audio environment where everything—both the music and the underlying code—can be remixed. I will design interfaces that show the underlying processes and invite play. My goal is to foster an open source community for shared learning.
Description: OLoS is an environment to play with code and music. The web makes both more accessible and shareable. I want to provide a forum for the community that is forming around the Web Audio API to share resources through modules that can be combined and remixed. Through user research into the community’s best practices, I’ll develop an API spec for modules that will enable integration into outside projects as well as the OLoS node-based visual interface. My research might lead me to extend a pre-existing project. Nodes will include instruments, effects and algorithms, and UI/control nodes. They can be chained together to design custom environments for music production and interaction. Users can also share/remix environments & compositions.