Recursive One Word Generative Poetry

Input any word. My program will turn it into another word that has the same number of phonemes. Then it will find an example of that word in use via the Wordnik API. Then it will recursively run through four bit chunks, starting from the end, modifying the last word in each line using the CMU phoneme dictionary. I got a bit carried away parsing the CMU pronouncing dictionary and this includes some functions that I didn’t wind up using, but would like to use in the future.


So, yeah, a freakin ‘HUGO nominee recommeded ME for ArmadilloCon – yeah, good thing I accepted that invitation.
accepted that
thing I accepted dees
good thing I rodeheaver
yeah, good thing err(1)
– yeah, good wang
ArmadilloCon – yeah, king
ArmadilloCon –
for ArmadilloCon
ME for
nominee recommeded ME ville
‘HUGO nominee recommeded leh
‘HUGO nominee
a freakin ‘HUGO emmerson
a freakin
yeah so


JOSEPH BAST, president of the Heartland Institute, whose unshaven face beards a very similar resemblance to the president of another country on this Earth — no, not the Czech Republic, but go head and guess!
head and
but go head zoch
Republic, but go peart
Czech Republic, but uwe
the Czech Republic, bohr
the Czech
no, not the yeung
— no, not so
Earth — no, pitt
Earth —
this Earth
country on this pay
another country on fors
of another country o.s
president of another smolen
the president of clemo
to the president of(1)
resemblance to the tumbleson
similar resemblance to h
very similar resemblance auth
a very similar creditworthy
beards a very zimpfer
face beards a knapke
unshaven face beards owe
whose unshaven face wesat
Institute, whose unshaven prow
Heartland Institute, whose sicilia
the Heartland Institute, luau
the Heartland
president of the mastodon
BAST, president of thao

At one point, I was including the fill line rather than the last four words:
172-29-18-92:midterm jasonsigal$ python c458d5c93b0a018f000070bc23407600a2332144b9ac156e1
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always wanted to go to Africa.
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always wanted to go to
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always wanted to go jha
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always wanted to jha
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always wanted our
PEIFER: My wife is the one who always yearlings
PEIFER: My wife is the one who schiltz
PEIFER: My wife is the one o.s’
PEIFER: My wife is the noon
PEIFER: My wife is hour(1)
PEIFER: My wife u.
PEIFER: My fifth(1)
PEIFER: herb

Something else:

tell me what is up
So to abbreviate it using the letter SAAD or the word SAAD-LAAM-‘AYN-MEEM [or in English: SAWS etc] is not a supplication nor it is worship, whether it occurs in speech or writing.
More helpful summaries of research, from a firm that claims they specialize in DES – related litigation.
ZAHN: Over 1,000 sailors died when the Arizona burned.
Despite being totally FINISHED after 3 babies, I still ACHE (my heart, my empty breasts, my empty arms) when I hear the sounds of an infant nursing …
AUL DIP-O-ShiitZZ says: dino, calling me names like a 12 year old adds nothing to this debate.

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